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Function 2Ah (42)        Get System Date

    Reports the current system date, including the day of the week.

       On entry:      AH         2Ah

       Returns:       AL         Day of the week (0 - 6; 0 = Sunday)
                      CX         Year (1980 - 2099)
                      DH         Month (1 - 12)
                      DL         Day (1 - 31)


       Notes:         The DOS 2.00 and 2.10 manuals state that Function
                      2Ch returns the day of the week in AL. That is
                      incorrect: This function, not Function 2Ch, returns
                      the day of the week.

                      Note the similarity between the registers returned
                      for this function, and the register setup of
                      Function 2Bh, Set System Date.

See Also: 2Bh 2Ch 2Dh
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